Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Blink 182

I think this is my all time favorite band.  Although they have a different style of music as to what I like to listen to now, they are my inspiration for music.  I have been listening to them since probably elementary school.  Even though they broke up for a few years, they got back together. Sadly, they only did one summer tour last year, which I didn't get to go to, and now they haven't been doing much in the ways of making a new album.  I think if I got to see them live, I'd be pretty damn happy.  I love pretty much every song they have put out.  They're pretty awesome.  Never gonna dislike them, I promise that.

1 comment:

  1. Blink is also my all time favorite. I just remissness the times in middle school and listening to them. I was very exciting that they got back together, but after seeing them on a show, there wasn't really too much buzz around them.
